JUCO women are the most honest women. No muss no fuss
Piping hot pussy delivered to your door, hold the drama
She won’t tell you “I love you” for two years meanwhile during that time she’s already mentally and emotionally checked out, fucking some rando in your bed
“She doesn’t really love you”
Look my guy, you need to be loved. I need to be entertained. We are not the same
Lemme explain it to you. When I watch Empire Strikes Back and see the lightsaber duel at the end I know for a fact it’s really just two grown men playing make believe with plastic sticks on a soundstage in front of a camera
I know that dude
But I am still able to suspend disbelief and enjoy the movie. No, it is not real. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the scene play itself out, which I do. It doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy her. Especially when she’s goes gulp with a grin. There is nothing at all wrong with enjoying an interactive performance son
Do you think she was real with you in the months and weeks leading up to, “We gotta talk” or “I’m not happy” even though she was sucking the soul out of you? The reaction of the perception of authenticity is really all in your head
You know where you stand with the JuCo, unless you’re soft inside and need a hug or something. Unless you’re one of those guys that falls in love with the waitress or some other rookie shit
Star Wars is a story with a beginning, middle, and ending. It’s a ride, just like relationships. Just like a rollercoaster ride
That’s why you’re pissed. It’s because you think that movie is real. You think the ride is real and it’ll last forever
Just enjoy the movie for what it is