The Coach Gang discusses the Free Agent Lifestyle
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@CoachGregAdams getting those props

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How The Manosphere Destroyed Itself

Men 101 for us!

“1. Privacy is power. What people don’t know they can’t ruin. Keep it private, people love to ruin things.
2. The cost of growth is sometimes loneliness. Learn the art of loneliness.
3. Everything is temporary. Be reminded, nothing last forever even the life you are given so stay humble.
4. So many people are fighting silent battles. Be kind.
5. Your partner is a reflection of you. Choose wisely. More reason why you must go after her VALUE SYSTEM And not only the physique.
6. Your mental health is more important than anyone’s feelings. This is something you need to be selfish about.
7. You don’t need more time. You need less distractions. Learn to be focused.
8. Be selfish with your time. A lot of people don't deserve it.
9. Go where your LOVED, APPRECIATED, a priority, recognized, respected and valued without having to ask.
10. Self love isn't selfish.
11. Anyone who makes your life even a little bit easier is a big blessing. Hold unto them, they are few out there.
12. Choose your circle wisely, ...

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@CoachGregAdams & gang

Coach Hep!!!! 😩
The Lions are literally giving the game away.

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