The Coach Gang discusses the Free Agent Lifestyle
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9 hours ago


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VIDEO: The Boss Babe Is Fraudulent

March 2021


Professor Nanny Goat 🐐

@CoachGregAdams and gang hear me out.

I went to Ojos Locos in north Las Vegas last night to meet some friends from out of town. There were some slim gorditas in lingerie...a bunch of Colombians and Venezuelans.

Not the mexican fat tortas... you should check it out. Here some pics from their FB page, I met half of these chicks last night.

It's like a hispanic Hooters.

One of my friends, is in monk mode after dealing with a baby momma terrorist, and hasn't had sex since last year...and he was losing his mind.

You should go at least once...

@CoachGregAdams just don't miss!! He told you ninjas in 2020 during the lockdowns, " Do NOT buy new cars, don't take on any new debt!"
THESE the people that didn't listen.
#fal4l! ✌🏾

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