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Live Streamed on June 16, 2024 12:16 PM ET
The Dollars Down & The JUCO's Up?

The Future Of The Bind

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VIDEO: The Boss Babe Is Fraudulent

March 2021

17 hours ago
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Women are really trying to make this photo go viral like it means anything negative. The bride is only in line because the brotha’s got options. So wait your turn, ya bish

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Ok, here’s how it’s going down, or rather, inflating.

In a normal situation, where economies are fine, central banks are irrelevant. They just need to collect data and keep from stepping on thier dicks or getting it caught up in the machinery.

When things start to look bad (usually because of central bank dicks) then they get to messing around with things to try and appear to be in control. In most cases interventions usually have the opposite effects.

Now what is important to understand that central banks have only one tool to work with. Inflation. Inflation meaning they can increase or decrease the supply of currency and credit in the system. The effects of increasing the money supply (debasement) is higher prices. The effects of contracting the money supply is generally asset price deflation.

Japan has been inflating for 30 years, and because it’s an exporting country the effects of inflation weren’t too severe. Until, the imbalance in trade became negative due to their self-created energy ...

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