The Coach Gang discusses the Free Agent Lifestyle
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Live Streamed on January 28, 2024 12:18 PM ET
Don't Save Em...They Don't Wanna Be Saved

What Your Future Wives Are Doing Part 4

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VIDEO: The Boss Babe Is Fraudulent

March 2021

22 hours ago

This is one of my friends, that moved in with his girlfriend that lives in South Carolina that he met on Tinder . When me and another friend went out to Buffalo Wild Wings with them, she was acting like a bish towards him. And no he didn’t do nothing about it. When were talking to old classmates we seen at the restaurant, she told him that she was ready to go, and he left as soon as she said so. They drove her car instead of his car to Savannah. Coach is always spot on when he says don’t settle and to get leverage. Being in a relationship and moving in with a woman without experience, options, and money is the worse thing any man can do. When I saw them two, I thought of everything Coach was saying. This is why I shake my head when mouth piece ninjas wants to do the opposite and get women for free and live off of their second mom

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I like Anton, but Tukay is schooling him on this subject men just won’t accept it. all men pay!

Seeking is now on the steps of congress. It’s only a matter of time before SA will be shut down. 🤦🏾‍♂️

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