The Coach Gang discusses the Free Agent Lifestyle
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Live Streamed on July 22, 2023 10:00 PM ET
Movie/True Crime Night: Did Steve McNair Get Killed By His JUCO Or Was It Someone Else?

Movie & True Crime Night

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@CoachGregAdams & gang:
I guess there is still hope for me and my daughter after all. But, I’m pass that now. We will have to see what the future holds. Congratulations Tyrese for making through the first phase of CP. I believe he still has a younger daughter that 5 years old. Click Image for full description.

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Hey guys! Off topic but I’ve a question and I’m hoping you can help me with it

Do you notice Instagram ads coming not long after you just think an item or service? I tested it by not at all mentioning what I was thinking of by mouth or text and within a 24 hour turnaround time the ads started popping up

Is this happening to anyone else?

Come up with something, in your head. Don’t say anything or tell anyone. It could be classes to be a pilot. It doesn’t matter. There should be a 24 hour turnaround time depending on how hard you think on it

Marketing algorithms are 2025 good but do they read minds or something close enough to appear so?

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